East Sweden Air quality Management Association

Download the 2023 yearly report (in Swedish)

Our operation


East Sweden Air quality Management Association was founded in 1992 by 14 municipalities in Stockholm County. Since then, the association has grown and continues to do so. The reason for this growth is a unique approach, even from a European perspective, which involves collaborating to perform legally mandated air quality monitoring. The association is funded entirely by member fees.  The association currently has 69 members, 60 of which are municipalities.

The association comprises a board, a preparatory group with high expertise, including experts in environmental medicine, traffic planning, and environmental inspection. Additionally, the association employs representatives who serve as the communication channel between members and the secretariat. These representatives are individuals working within environmental and health departments or planning departments in municipalities or member organizations.


Why establish an organization for air quality monitoring?

Municipalities often have limited resources, and legal requirements are stringent, necessitating a high level of competence among responsible officials. Some municipalities struggle to find the right expertise to fully comply with these legal requirements. Having the competence to meet air quality work requirements, including providing information to residents, reporting measurement data, and conducting measurements and instrument maintenance, becomes more cost-effective through membership in the association.

The association manages the procurement of measurement services, and members sign framework agreements, enabling them to directly order additional services. The current service provider (SLB-analys) offers members favorable prices (30% lower hourly rates) for dispersion modelling and other assessments. Members also have access to a shared secretariat where both officials and residents can seek assistance on technical and concentration-related matters. The secretariat organizes seminars and training sessions for members, such as training on updating the EDB (the emissions database) required for further reporting to the EU.

The association was formed to contribute to improved air quality in the region. The association's task is to provide factual information for decision-making to members and other stakeholders who influence air quality, whether related to municipal development or efforts to create more sustainable cities and achieve environmental quality goals.

With access to high-quality air quality data, efficient air quality work can be facilitated. Through collaboration within East Sweden Air quality Management Association, air quality can be monitored and the impact of various decisions on pollutant levels can be described. The association also aims to use information to positively influence various stakeholders. East Sweden Air quality Management Association brings together efforts for effective air quality monitoring in the counties of Södermanland, Stockholm, Uppsala, Östergötland, and Gotland.

Please take a look at our information video and feel free to share. 

What a membership entails

The association is responsible for operator contracts, which include the measurement instruments. The secretariat is responsible for convening board meetings, annual meetings, preparatory group meetings, seminars, and general administrative tasks associated with running an association. Officials facing challenges or questions can turn to the secretariat for assistance. The association also produces an annual report summarizing the previous year's measurement results.

As previously mentioned, members also benefit from a 30% lower hourly rate for assignments with the association's contracted operator. These assignments may include evaluating quiet asphalt, complex geometric urban areas, or wind analyses for construction projects.

If you have questions about the association and membership, please feel free to contact us. Contact information can be found at the top of the web page under 'Kontakt.'

Additional information on how we conduct measurements can be found on our website here, and if you want to learn more about how air quality affects our health, you can find more information on our page where we try to explain this in more detail here.

Feel free to contact us for a printed version!

Measurements of air quality and meteorology

For its activities, East Sweden Air quality Management Association uses Airviro's web-based air monitoring system. The Airviro system comprises several modules for continuously storing information on emissions, measured meteorological parameters, air pollutant concentrations, and model calculations of air pollutant concentrations.

Inventory of emission sources

Information about emissions of air pollutants is mapped and stored in emission databases (EDBs). These EDBs form the basis for air quality work. EDBs serve as input for model calculations of concentrations and can be used as a basis for monitoring environmental goals. Model calculations provide geographical and temporal distribution of air pollutant concentrations over large areas and long time periods.

Models for dispersion of air pollutants

Models enable forecasts of future concentrations, for example, in road projects or new zoning plans. The calculations can be used to determine the placement of measurement stations. A comparison between measured concentrations and modelled concentrations reveals discrepancies that may result in adjustments to emissions for more accurate future calculations.

